06/09/2024 - News

Harmonized Methods for Food Loss and Waste LCA – LCAFood 2024

The BETA Technological Centre invites to the side event Harmonized Methods for Food Loss and Waste LCA at the LCAFood2024 conference in Barcelona on September 8th from 14:00 to 16:00. Organised by EU Horizon Europe projects FOLOU (https://www.folou.eu/) and WASTELESS (https://www.wasteless.com/), in this session, an initial proposal of harmonized guidance on quantification and assessment of Food Loss will be presented and discussed, aiming at incorporating expert feedback from panellists and attendees.

Reaching a broader consensus on this challenging yet complex topic will be useful to build a common path on how the FLW contribution is assessed, especially for the FL in the primary sector as currently its impacts are not fully considered.

To register and to read in advance the guidance on the quantification and assessment of FL, please email folou@uvic.cat. This session is open to all registered conference attendees. More info about the session: https://www.lcafood2024.com/programme/short-courses-special-sessions.