EU and China agree to further cooperation on circular economy
During World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF) 2024 held in Brussels, EU and China have agreed on a joint roadmap for greater collaboration on the vital issue.
The new blueprint defines the actions that both the EU and China will take to implement under the EU-China Memorandum of Understanding on the circular economy. The specific actions outlined in the roadmap focus on plastics, including the ongoing negotiations for a global plastics treaty, battery value chains and remanufacturing.
The roadmap will be implemented throughout 2024 and reviewed at the next High-Level Dialogue on Circular Economy, where priorities and potential new activities to include in the roadmap will be agreed upon.
On the margins of the World Circular Economy Forum, Director General for Environment, Florika Fink-Hooijer, met with Zhao Chenxin, Vice-Chairman of China’s National Development and Reform Commission, to discuss cooperation opportunities in the circular economy field.
During the meeting, Director General Fink-Hooijer and Vice-Chairman Zhao reached an agreement on the roadmap.
The first workshop on the transition to a circular economy for plastics in the EU and China is being planned for May 2024. The workshop will be an opportunity to discuss in more detail issues related to the design and life-cycle approach in the circular economy, China and the EU’s single use plastics measures and the latest developments on bio-based, biodegradable and compostable plastics.
Workshops on battery value chains and remanufacturing will follow in the course of 2024.