SETAC annual meeting will be held on 15-19 May 2022 in Copenhagen and Online.
website: https://europe2022.setac.org/
The society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) is a not-for profit, global professional society established in 1979 to provide a forum for individuals and institutions engaged in education, research and development, ecological risk assessment and life-cycle assessment, chemical manufacture and distribution, management and regulation of natural resources, and the study, analysis, and solution of environmental problems.
SETAC is an open and democratic organisation that operates in a broad social context, reflecting the needs of the environment and people. Application of sound science plays a key role in this process. Membership worldwide comprises about 5300 professionals in the field of chemistry, toxicology, biology, and ecology: atmospheric, health, and earth sciences; and environmental engineering.
Registration Fees: https://europe2022.setac.org/register/